I stumbled upon an amazing site today, probably the most inspirational one I have come across as yet, Princess Portal. It is basically a lengthy how-to guide for being a 'Princess'. The blog's author Skye(who is also from my city, Perth!) discusses how being a Princess is a way of life and not all glitz and glamour but behaving in a beautiful way, how you would expect a fairytale princess to be, being the best you can be and doing so in a graceful and feminine manner. Skye, with the help of her readers developed a Princess Code which I think embodies the very basics of a Princess way of life. It definitely deserves to be printed out and stuck onto my whiteboard. It's times like these where I wish I had a typewriter so I could do the code justice and elegantly hand-type it out on patterned scrapbook paper, in true Princess fashion.
The Princess Code shows that you can and should treat yourself once in a while, you are a Princess after all.
"A Princess has the right to spend her funds on beautiful things she does not need because beauty in itself is priceless."
But also shows that being a Princess is about being a good person to not only yourself but to those around you.
"A Princess treats others how she would like to be treated, as royalty, and is always willing to help them."
My favourite part of the code would have to be the following:
"A Princess should be given fresh flowers everyday, even if she has to give them to herself."
I shall most definitely be adopting that one, if only to pick flowers for myself each morning.
(credit: Princess Portal)
As a symbol of my adoption of the Princess Code I have included the Princess Code banner to the side of the page, which also links to the site.
The content of the site is absolutely amazing, Skye writes about almost every single angle of incorporating Princess-ness into one's everyday lifestyle, in such depth and detail that you can't go wrong. For about 5 posts a week, Skye wrote ever so well, to be able to write like she does on all manner of interesting topics, so frequently. When I read 'self-help' articles I like to be given useful practical advice so that I may take something away from what I have read and Skye managed to do this with almost all her 'Princess Lessons' giving readers unique and clear ways of practising the art of being a Princess. There are many articles/websites/books out there about being positive and improving yourself but none have touched me so deep as Skye's interpretation of being a Princess. I think the main difference between her site and any other self-help information there is out there, is that she gives you an analogy of what being your best actually looks like, a Princess, making the goal more visible. Plus the philosophy tapped into my feminine and self-indulgent side, which is always good ;)(credit: Princess Portal)
It's amazing to think that this 'castle' actually exists
Unfortunately Skye abandoned Princess Portal for her own personal blog, The Lost Princess which I don't think is nearly as good but has some beautiful photography nonetheless. To lessen my disappointment of the site's end I have decided to look at it as if the articles are one big self-help book, something you can look back on for reference and practical advice but at the same time you know it will never be updated, it is a simply a guide.
thanks for the shout out and thanks for having a great blog in general!
hehe I agree with you in every aspect! It's great to know I introduced sometime to Skye's amazing site :) I have printed all the Princess Lessons so I can read them over and over it is all simply the best advice I've ever come across! Love your blog by the way! :)
Hey thanks for the B'day greetings. i actually had a similar day to you, i went into the city, went shopping and then went out to dinner. I only acted high.And that was because i got the Jonas Brothers Burnin Up Book!
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